Pig Ball Valve

Category :Pig Ball Valve

In addition to fire safe and anti-static design of the traditional ball valves, Royeon pig valve has compact design, ideal for substitute the traditional receiving/launching valves. ROYEON ENTERPRISES pig ball valves are widely used in the petroleum and gas pipelines for both on-off and cleaning the pipelines so as to improve the efficiency of the pipeline transportation.

Features and benifits
Stem double o-ring sealed design
Trunnion mounted ball valve design
Fire safe design 
Emergency sealant injection

Product Range
Type :Pig ball valve
Size :2”~10”((DN50~DN250)
Rating :150~900LB
Materials :Carbon steel, Stainless steel
End connection : RF,RTJ,BW


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Welcome to our website. If you have any requests or suggestions,please feel free to email us at info@royeongroup.it or use the following enquiry form. Please allow us to provide you with the best service.